
One-stop PV Solution Provider

  • How about the shipping fees?
    The shipping cost will be different according to your comprehensive needs, choose different shipping place, the weight will have different prices, detailed information you can contact us for further information.
  • What kinds of payment methods do you accept?
    You can make the payment to our bank account.
  • What is the average lead time?
    Depending on the various delivery ports, the timing will vary. When we receive your payment: (1) It typically takes 35 days to ship from China; (2) If all procedures are satisfied, delivery via a European warehouse will take 3–5 days. You can speak with our sales representative in-depth if you have particular requirements for the moment.
  • Can you supply the relevant documentation?
    Yes, You can download relevant files from downloads, such as data sheets, quick release manuals, etc.
  • Do you have a minimum order quantity?
    There is no minimum order quantity.
  • What are your prices?
    Our prices are subject to change depending on supply and other market factors. We will send you an updated price list after your company contact us for further information. Contact for more information.
  • Does Solavita offer heat pumps, heating systems or similar?
    No. At Solavita, we currently only offer the installation of photovoltaic systems and accessories such as battery storage systems. We also offer charging stations for electric cars.
  • Is there a guarantee on my SOLAVITA photovoltaic system?

    You may take advantage of our comprehensive, worry-free warranty for the first five years following the installation of your solar system. We will repair any problems resulting from mistakes in manufacture or installation at no cost to you. Kindly notify us by calling the service hotline if something goes wrong!

    Of course, there is a manufacturer's guarantee attached to the parts of your Solavita system. This can last anywhere from five to twenty years, depending on the kind of goods, and many manufacturers will extend it for a fee.

  • Why should I purchase my photovoltaic system from Solavita?
    The advantage of Solavita:
    Delivery time is three to five days, because there is a warehouse in Belgium. We may also provide you services that are specific to your area. Taking part in offline marketing initiatives like technical training and promotion gatherings is one example. We may assist you in the interim by providing pertinent material bundles.
  • What is solavita?
    Solavita is a subsidiary of the Skyworth Group, which specializes in four business segments including Smart Appliances, New Energy, Intelligent Systems, and Modern Services. As a provider of one-stop solar PV solutions, we offer end-to-end services from consulting and design to procurement and O&M. Solavita is dedicated to the development of distributed residential PV systems and I&C (industrial and commercial) PV systems, providing customers with a full range of solar power solutions and equipment with high efficiency, high quality, and high reliability. Click here to find out more about us.
Photovoltaic system
  • Can I use PV without being connected to the grid?
    Grid-tied inverters must be connected to the grid to use photovoltaic power. Hybrid and off-grid inverters can use photovoltaic power for batteries and important loads during the day without being connected to the grid. At night the electricity generated stored in batteries would be used.
  • What benefits may a photovoltaic system offer?
    Investing in a solar system can help you continuously save power costs. Increases in the cost of power do not affect you, and this year you may also save on VAT—which is zero percent for solar systems.
  • How long does a photovoltaic system last?
    There is a 25–30-year lifetime. Most manufacturers also provide warranties, often spanning 20 to 25 years, for their solar modules. The modules can still generate power beyond this time, but with less efficiency.
  • Does the creation of energy need direct sunlight
    Is direct sunlight required for energy production? No, while direct sunlight has the largest capacity, it is not a need in and of itself to produce energy. Power generation is also guaranteed by the so-called dispersed light, which is mostly reflected by clouds.
  • What parts of a PV system are required?
    A photovoltaic system consists of several components, including solar panels: the actual components that convert sunlight into electricity. Module: Multiple batteries are connected together to form a module for higher power output. Inverter: Converts the direct current (DC) generated into the alternating current (AC) needed for house. Mounting System: Mounting the solar modules on a roof, facade or other suitable surface. Cables: Transmit the electricity generated by the solar modules to an inverter, which in turn transmits it to the grid or to the batteries. Grid connection: feeding the generated electricity into the public grid (if required).
  • What environmental impact do solar panels have?
    There are several environmental benefits of solar panels. They use solar energy, which is a clean, sustainable energy source, to create power. Thus, utilizing solar energy can aid in lowering our dependency on fossil fuels, which are a major cause of greenhouse gas emissions and a contributing factor to climate change.
  • Why should I buy a solar energy system?
    Photovoltaic systems reduce costs and are beneficial to the environment! Because you buy less power from the grid and get rewarded for any excess electricity from the system that is put into the grid, you may generate your own clean electricity locally and save money at the same time.